
Well, I signed up and joined an RSS reader called Feedly. The process was pretty easy to sign up because I just joined my Feedly account with my Google account. As I was searching around on my new account, I decided to follow several blogs such as: The Edublogger, Beauty That Counts, Lifehacker, Etsy Blog, Crochet in Color, TED Education, and ED News. All of these seemed to interest me because I am interested in education, Mary Kay make up, life hacks, Etsy/DIY crafts, and crocheting. I think I will follow more blogs as I go, but for now I will stick with these. To find all of these topics I simply used the Feedly search engine to find the different blogs that had topics that interested in. I believe that the Education blogs that I will read on Feedly will really help me as I expand my knowledge and wisdom of Education.

One blog that I found was called “Crochet” and it had a post called “Dainty White Belt“. I found that this was a post that caught my eye because I want to learn how to crochet for my learning project for my ECMP 355 class. While looking at this crochet post, it redirected me to another website, which then told me the step by step process of how to crochet the twisty belt. The post also included pictures of each step to make the belt. Right now, this belt looks difficult for me to learn, but I think that once I start with the basics, I will be able to learn the crochet abbreviations and then I will know how to take the simple steps by reading the pattern or label to then create the final product. I believe that this blog overall will help me with my learning project, by providing me with simple step by step instructions on how to crochet, so I look forward to starting my learning process.

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